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Writings and Publications

Published work

Shirfield, M. R. “The ‘Eternal Return’ to the Archetypal ‘Mother’: The Dialectics between the prehistoric goddess offertility and Christianity in the works of Antoine Camilleri.” In APS Mdina Cathedral Contemporary Art Biennale 2023, edited by Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci and Nikki Petroni, 75-89. Malta, 2023.




unpublished work


Shirfield, M.R. "A Glimpse at an Archetypal Paradise: a theoretical analysis of the ‘Cosmic Cord’ in the works of Antoine Camilleri." In APS Mdina Contemporary Art Biennale conference: Fertility as Spirituality in Modern Art: Mediterranean Mythology and Beyond, Mdina, 2023, unpublished.


Shirfield, M.R. ‘Cubism beyond Paris; a formalistic and theoretical analysis of the nationalising and eclectic artistic engagements with Cubism in Ireland and Malta.’ M.Phil. dissertation, Trinity College Dublin, 2022, unpublished.


Shirfield, M.R. ‘The artistic genre of ruins interpreted as the depletion of moral and aesthetic values (within a Maltese context).’ Bachelor's dissertation, University of Malta, 2021, unpublished.





Camilleri, Roderick, ed. Dokra. Malta: 2024.


Schembri Bonaci, Giuseppe. Death Unto Boredom. Malta: 2023.


Sagona, Mark, ed. Identity of an Island-Gozo: Art Between Past and Present. Malta: Midsea Books Ltd, 2022.







Shirfield, M.R. “Diana and Actaeon: the cynegetic nature of art.” The Malta Independent, 2023. 


Shirfield, M.R. “'Exploring ‘Mediterranean Goddesses': an interview on the upcoming edition of the Mdina Biennale.”
The Malta Independent, 2022. 


Shirfield, M.R. “'De-Caravaggising Caravaggio' and Galatea’s Independence.” The Malta Independent, 2022. 


Shirfield, M.R. “‘Voice in the Wilderness’; an insular call to the New Age.” The Malta Independent, 2022. 


Borg, E. and Matthew R. Shirfield. “Brian Schembri sets the score.” The Malta Independent, 2022. 


Shirfield, M.R. “The artistic genre of ruins interpreted as the depletion of moral and aesthetic values.” The Malta Independent, 2021. 

​© 2024 by Matthew Robert Shirfield. All image and intellectual rights reserved.

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